Serious Reprise

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  • this text (normal) just means the lyrics were used in the previous iteration with no alterations
  • this text means it is a brand new lyric that was added in
  • this text means a previous lyric that was cut was brought back
  • this text means it is an unchanged lyric that was moved to a different part of the song

Each is divided from the show/production they were first heard in. Since not every single show was recorded, the dates are not entirely accurate. "Post [date]" just means that while it was used in the date of the show listed, at some point before the next show is when changes were made

Everything is sung/spoken until it's marked for them as spoken/sung, until it's marked as sung/spoken again, etc.

Jan 23, 2007 [Ver. 1]

[Warner, spoken]

I still can't get over the fact that you're here at Harvard

Back at UCLA, I never would've guessed it

Sometimes, I miss the old days


Those parties senior year

I thought we ruled the world


You funnelled all that beer

I held your head when you hurled


We were like gods back then

Tell me, why can't it be that way again?


Dreams don't just disappear

We could keep on dreaming them here

[Warner, spoken]



Like senior year, but funner!

You've got your future all planned


Yes I do, guess I do


What if I'm standing there too?


Wait, I'm not following you


I'm here 'cause I understand


Not sure I understand


I'm here 'cause I'm serious

[Warner, spoken]

Yeah, right

You look real serious

song info

Sung by: Warner, Elle

Different Versions: 1

Times Each Was Used:

Ver 1: lots

my thoughts

I'm pretty sure this stayed the same throughout the run! This wasn't included on the demo track so it may have been different earlier but I suppose we'll never know...