10/12/2024 - hopefully finished formatting the legally blonde ballad page lol
09/19/2024 - slight site revamp!
06/14/2024 - ...first update of the year! reformatted splash + home page
12/29/2023 - added blog!
12/18/2023 - touched up home page
12/16/2023 - added archive page + started edit archive!
12/10/2023 - started daily scott lang shrine
12/3/2023 - added shrine page + first shrine!
12/3/2023 - restructured about me page
12/1/2023 - restructured home page
11/29/2023 - added a splash page!
11/27/2023 - interests page is now live...
11/27/2023 - added a chatbox to the side!!
11/27/2023 - added button + link!
11/27/2023 - added home button
11/26/2023 - added about me page
11/26/2023 - fixed up fonts on home page, added a misty sprite to the bottom of the update bar
11/21/2023 - got site up!
to do
• make a sitemap
• add lyrics for lb songs
• web icons for each page
• reduce img sizes
• make info page pretty
• start daily scott lang again
• make a silly not found page
• make history pages for shrines
• make a home page i'm happy with